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Professional â€‹


Leslie Cordie is an Assistant Professor in the Adult Education program at Auburn University. She has over 20 years combined experiences in higher education, government and military, and corporate America.  Her background includes distance learning, adult education, training, instructional design, program and professional development, and healthcare. Previous to this faculty position, she was in the College of Agriculture where she was the Distance Learning Coordinator for several years.


Dr. Cordie has a PhD in Adult Education and Technical Communication from Colorado State University which includes an emphasis in Distance Learning, adult learning theory, online information, and instructional design and curriculum development. She also has a MBA from the University of TX at Austin, and has experience working with the airlines and the military in quality and performance improvement.


Prior to coming back to Auburn in 2012, she was the Chief Curriculum Coordinator at Air University at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama. She was responsible for the oversight of curricula in professional continuing education and professional military education for 11 schools at 5 centers headquartered at Maxwell, and three satellite campuses across the US; AND included through distance learning programs available at bases around the world.


Dr. Cordie’s research interests focuses on eLearning and understanding effectiveness in the adult teaching-learning environment.


Please see my extensive experience by clicking on the Academic CV, My Experience, and Courses buttons.



Assistant Professor
Adult Education Program, Auburn University​
2015 - present
Graduate Faculty in the Adult Education program.
Clinical Assistant Professor
Adult Education Program, Auburn University

​2014 - August, 2015

Graduate Faculty in the Adult Education program.



College of Agriculture - Distance Learning Coordinator

​2012- 2014


​Coordination and implementation, structure and evaluation of distance education courses and programs at Auburn University, mostly in the College of Agriculture.  Routinely consulted with faculty to design and develop appropriate media and instructional methods for use in distance courses.  Served as a liaison with other university offices involved in distance program and course offerings at Auburn University and world-wide.



Air University - United States Air Force 

Curriculum Policy Coordinator

​2010 - 2012


Coordinated and managed the alignment of all educational goals and curricula for Air University (AU).  Advised Centers and Schools on instructional system development.  Prepared the Air University President for higher education presentations and discussions with higher headquarters, including the Military Education Coordination Committee, the Air Force Learning Council, and accrediting bodies. Implemented and oversaw compliance with AU and AF policies relating to curriculum development and instruction for resident, nonresident and DL programs.

Colorado State University

Doctor of Philosophy in Education and Human Resource Studies 

Interdisciplinary Ph.D., School of Education and Department of Journalism
Adult Education and Technical Communication 


The University of Texas at Austin
Master of Business Administration

Concentration: Management
Minor: Marketing 


University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

Bachelor of Science in Nursing 

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