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October 05, 2018

Engaging in the peer review process is part of the scholarship of teaching and learning that ensure academic excellence and cultivates knowledge. This session could appeal to both the faculty member and instructor but also the practitioner and adult learner as it describes how to create learning experiences for learners so that they can become more self-directed, lifelong learners.

Developing an Online Community of Practice (COP)

October 02, 2018

As 21st century adult learners, we need to know how to use technology appropriately, AND also understand how create and share knowledge. COPs create a safe space for experts and practitioners to share knowledge and grow their network can more deeply influence the field of adult and continuing education.

AAACE Partner Collaborations

AAACE seeks to form partnerships with associations, institutions, and organizations based upon the commonality of goals expressed in the (1) mission, (2) vision, and (3) values of the partnering association. Only by connecting and collaborating will we be able to ensure the ultimate vision expressed by AAACE of a “more humane world made possible by the diverse practice of our members in helping adults acquire the knowledge, skills and values needed to lead productive and satisfying lives.”

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